Certified Health Coach

Have YOU spent years frustrated and repeatedly trying programs that claim to give you optimal health? Maybe you’ve changed your diet, activity, and lifestyle but still haven’t seen or, more importantly, felt results long-term. Or perhaps you saw results but then fell back into old habits? Are you tired of being tired, sick of being held back by your own body, and longing for a fuller, more vibrant, energized life?

What if I told you there was a better way?

What if I told you there was a better way?

Powered By Health goes beyond behavior change, addressing the root causes of unhealthy habits. When we change our brain wiring, behavior change follows – naturally and easily.

Powered By Health goes beyond behavior change, addressing the root causes of unhealthy habits. When we change our brain wiring, behavior change follows – naturally and easily..


Super Power Health BBB Business Review


Super Power Health BBB Business Review


Bridging the Gap Between
Information and Transformation


Your team makes your business. Healthy team members think more effectively, take fewer days off for illness and stay with the company longer.

Small Groups

Not sure you want to commit to private coaching, but want a boost on your health journey? Come explore habit change in an online group environment.

Individual Coaching

Developing a healthy lifestyle can seem daunting, because the part of us, the part that drives habit, is much stronger than we think.


Your team makes your business. Healthy team members think more effectively, take fewer days off for illness and stay with the company longer.

Small Groups

Not sure you want to commit to private coaching, but want a boost on your health journey? Come explore habit change in an online group environment.

Individual Coaching

Developing a healthy lifestyle can seem daunting, because the part of us, the part that drives habit, is much stronger than we think.

What Clients are Saying

Kristen’s health coaching vastly surpassed my expectations. The results are worth investing in! Within the first month of her 90-day transformation program, I reached a goal I never thought possible! This program is not about deprivation or struggle, but an exciting adventure of discovering the potential of my healthiest self.
Tammy Klimmek
Colorado Springs, CO
"Last summer, I wore a size 18. This summer, I wear a 12, thanks to Kristen’s coaching. My habits have changed, and I’m a totally transformed, healthier person! I know I won’t revert because that’s just not who I am anymore, and that makes me so grateful that I took this journey. When I started my 90-day adventure, I was really nervous about my ability to change permanently. Now I am stronger, in control of my health, with a better relationship with food, unbothered by what would have been temptation in my past. "
Amy McQueen
Horseshoe Bay, TX
This investment in myself was one of the best decisions I have ever made. I have a whole new relationship with food, stress, health, and overall well-being because of Kristen Paris’ 90-day Health Transformation coaching! Kristen is a kind, positive, and very encouraging coach. I feel completely different now in how I think about food and I’m confident I can maintain this new mindset and continue to get healthier and stronger. If you are stuck, and not sure where to start, give her a call! If you want to achieve the best version of yourself...call her! 90-days from now, you’ll be so glad you did.
Casey Belk
Kingsland, TX


Are you looking to strengthen or build YOUR best team?  Healthy employees are more productive, happier, and likely to stay longer.  Empower them to take their health into their own hands. Our health is the greatest resource we have. With it, our capabilities are unlimited. Habit Transformation Coach Kristen Paris brings her empowering health seminar series to your firm for weekly sessions or on a schedule that fits your needs.  

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Based on the latest scientific research on lifestyle factors affecting productivity, cognition, energy, and preventative health, with proven techniques to bring about lasting habit change.

Your employees will learn manageable techniques for:

  • Improving health
  • Optimizing weight
  • Increasing brain speed and effectiveness
  • Managing stress
  • Replenishing the body’s resources to maximize energy and productivity, while increasing life satisfaction and personal wellness

With our seminars, we empower you to empower your team to take their health to the next level. We explore everything from motivation and eating habits, to stress recovery and sleep. We meet your team members in their individual circumstances and enable  them to up-level their health and wellness.

These practical mind-boosting tools, powerful stress management techniques, do-able health and fitness mechanisms, and life-hacks are designed to optimize health, improve cognitive performance, reduce stress, boost the immune system, promote healthy weight, aid in the prevention of chronic disease, and improve overall well-being.

Small Group Coaching

Not sure you want to commit to private coaching, but want a boost on your health journey? 

Come explore habit change in an online group environment!



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What healthy might look like for YOU.

What your body really needs, and how can you obtain that without feeling bored with your food or hungry and dissatisfied.

The connection between stress and weight, and what you can do about it.

Nourishment deficiencies that might be interfering with your ability to attain your optimal weight and health (this isn’t what you think!)

Why we fall back into old patterns, and how to disempower that cycle.

How to break the hold of destructive cravings, emotional eating, stress eating, and eating from boredom.

Turning those afternoon (or evening) munchie attacks into opportunities to nourish yourself well.

Making Healthy a natural, instinctive way of life that no longer feels like a burden or a fight.



An 8-part seminar series to transform your relationship with food, exercise, and rest so that you become healthier, happier, and in control without deprivation or guilt.

  • Includes 2 individual coaching sessions to address your unique struggles and strategies. 

Individual Coaching

Developing a healthy lifestyle can seem daunting. We try, succeed, then slide back into old patterns.

Again, this is NOT because you are weak. It’s because part of us, the part that drives habit, is much stronger than we think.

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Neuroscientists know that what fires together wires together. When neurons activate at the same time repeatedly over time, new neural pathways are developed. When we link healthy behaviors with the pleasure centers in our brains, those behaviors become the ones we naturally seek. By making connections to rewire the brain, you can make healthy lifestyle choices your natural choice. We change how you process healthy decisions so that you do them without thinking BECAUSE THEY FEEL GOOD!

We teach you these simple but powerful techniques so that you learn how to:

  • Eliminate urges that drive emotional or boredom eating.
  • De-escalate self-sabotage.
  • Learn to make healthy choices pleasurable.
  • Nourish yourself at a deeper level for a more fulfilled, permanently transformed you.

We develop a PERSONALIZED plan for PERMANENT habit change. We enable you to embrace a healthy lifestyle without deprivation or feeling at war with yourself. You can become the best version of you with the right system, support, and accountability.


Find out how YOU can transform your life in 90 days, with coaching and a plan tailored to your goals, dreams, and lifestyle.  


About Me

Kristen Paris

Certified Health Coach,
Master Certified Nutrition Coach,
Board Certified Holistic Health Practitioner

Growing up in the southern California sunshine, Kristen learned healthy cooking at her mother’s side, with outdoor exercise integral to daily life. After a career in software engineering followed by homeschooling, her passions for people, nature, wellness, and cooking converged into a new focus in whole-person wellness. With certifications as a Master Nutrition Coach, a Health and Wellness Coach, a Life Coach, and a drug-free holistic health practitioner, Kristen now devotes her time and energy to guiding others to achieve their health and wellness goals.

 Kristen keeps up with new developments in health research so that you don’t have to. Her experience with successfully coming alongside others to pave the way for them to regain energy and vitality, lose weight, reduce pain, and exchange old habits for new, healthier, more powerful ones provides a basis to effectively curate information tailored to the needs of each client. Separating fact from hype, Kristen looks forward to paving the way for you to become your best self.


What can a Health Coach do for me?

In today’s fast-paced, information-saturated world, we don’t need more information, or more demands on our time. What we need is a pathway- paved with realistic, solid stepping stones that enable us to take charge of our own lives, implementing lasting habit change in ways that don’t deprive us of fun, family, social life, and all of the other reasons we want to be vibrant and healthy. A health coach comes alongside you in the midst of your busy life, offering tools and curated information tailored especially for you (because you are unique, and no premade program will exactly fit your individual lifestyle and desires), supporting each step of your journey, and enabling you to turn your vision of vibrant, healthy life into your new normal. 

About Me

Kristen Paris

Certified Health Coach,
Master Certified Nutrition Coach,
Board Certified Holistic Health Practitioner

Growing up in the southern California sunshine, Kristen learned healthy cooking at her mother’s side, with outdoor exercise integral to daily life. After a career in software engineering followed by homeschooling, her passions for people, nature, wellness, and cooking converged into a new focus in whole-person wellness. With certifications as a Master Nutrition Coach, a Health and Wellness Coach, a Life Coach, and a drug-free holistic health practitioner, Kristen now devotes her time and energy to guiding others to achieve their health and wellness goals.

Kristen keeps up with new developments in health research so that you don’t have to. Her experience with successfully coming alongside others to pave the way for them to regain energy and vitality, lose weight, reduce pain, and exchange old habits for new, healthier, more powerful ones provides a basis to effectively curate information tailored to the needs of each client. Separating fact from hype, Kristen looks forward to paving the way for you to become your best self.


What can a Health Coach do for me?

In today’s fast-paced, information-saturated world, we don’t need more information, or more demands on our time. What we need is a pathway- paved with realistic, solid stepping stones that enable us to take charge of our own lives, implementing lasting habit change in ways that don’t deprive us of fun, family, social life, and all of the other reasons we want to be vibrant and healthy. A health coach comes alongside you in the midst of your busy life, offering tools and curated information tailored especially for you (because you are unique, and no premade program will exactly fit your individual lifestyle and desires), supporting each step of your journey, and enabling you to turn your vision of vibrant, healthy life into your new normal. 

"The Glory of God is a Man Fully Alive" ~ St. Irenaeus

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